Transmitter Monitoring & Control System is developed by Technomedia. It is a real time network monitoring system that monitors the health of Transmitters, Audio Codec etc., in a network. The service provider having multiple broadcast transmitters in a network needs to be alerted of Tx. performance in real time and take quick responsive action that prevents service breakage. TMCS provides a powerful monitoring of the whole transmitter network, on the relevant country map, with a geographical layout and detailed block diagram of the Txs.

TMCS provides instant snapshot of the Broadcast transmitter's critical parameters like Forward power, Reflected power, VSWR, Power Amplifier (PA) voltage, PA current, Inlet & Room Temperature, Audio status, PA status, Power Supply (PS) status etc. All the parameters are monitored using an Ethernet interface. TMCS provides instant access to a SNMP device interface with the transmission system, on the network either over the internet or intranet, directly on the system browser with rich and valuable features. TMCS also monitors the strength of the Transmitter through the serial port (RS232) from Tx.

  1. A Web based rich GUI interface, with a geographical map view.
  2. Very ease way of understanding the exact failure of component on a block diagram
  3. Provides instant snapshot of all monitored Tx on the network map.
  4. Easy to configure all Tx parameters from a single web based interface for different thresholds of each snmp device and channel.
  5. Configurable Alerts to the users through email.
  6. Hourly logging of events in the database for analysis.
  7. Report Generation for all monitored devices. The report readings are logged into the database for each site depending on the values configured.
  8. Very powerful filters to generate the reports. Ability to filter based on Station, Location, Tx Type, State wise and Zonal wise Parameters.
  9. The reports can be generated as a table and exported into an Excel Spreadsheet.
  10. Engineers can log any issues faced by him at CTI centers and can be viewed by all CTI engineers to avoid the same problem in their respective centers. Ability to export the issues to excel for analyze.
  11. Ability to view in chart with powerful filter options
  12. TMCS is a mobile application that provides drilled down details of transmitter health on the go.
  13. Ability to monitor and control DG, UPS and Air Conditioners at CTI site.
System Requirements (Software)
  1. XAMPP
  2. MYSQL
  3. Windows XP/Windows 7/Windows 10/Windows Server 2012 (32/64 Bit)
  4. Microsoft .NET Client Profile 4.0
  5. Java Runtime Environment
System Requirements (Hardware)
  1. I- core processor
  2. 8 GB RAM
  3. 320 GB Hard Disk
  4. Supported SNMP Device